I enjoy doing illustrations and computer generated graphics. My passion however, is Graphic Recording, where I have the privilege of traveling around the world to visually capture meeting content on paper with markers and pastels. I support brainstorming and ideation sessions for major global corporations and non-profit organizations.
I have a BFA in painting from Carnegie Mellon University. For many years I bartended and waited tables while pursuing my artistic endeavors. During that time I did paste-up for ad agencies, was the art director for a local magazine, and created beaded jewelry and handpainted clothing which I sold in dozens of boutiques. I managed Moondogs, (a great blues club!) for several years (those are my painted dogs on the walls) until I decided to continue my education. But before I managed to complete my Masters degree in media technology at Chatham University, I was lured into the corporate world where I was the designer and office coordinator for LaunchCyte, a biotech development company.
Which leads me to where I am now... being able to work comfortably from home in my own studio doing Information Graphics and Illustrations and to travel extensively to visually document meetings and partner with specialists in services designed to improve the efficiency, energy, and productivity of conferences, meetings and collaborative design sessions.
Contact me at leah@designbyleah.com for rates or to discuss how I can help support your next project.